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2:40am 04-30-2024
Took a while, but I found it. The calculators were the giveaway.

Did you manage to find the 4WD Pandino?
Replied on: 8:08pm 04-30-2024

Not a Pandino in sight I'm afraid...

10:28pm 02-20-2024
Love the design.
...and those animated emojis I love em.
10:44pm 01-29-2024
5eur trovati x terra
henlu... spero sia tutto apposto, ti mando un quadrifoglio 🍀
Replied on: 1:59pm 01-30-2024

Ciao! Ultimamente sto abbastanza okay, tutto nella norma. Sono molto presa con gli esami quindi lo stress non manca mai (;´д`)... Grazie del quadrifoglio, chiunque tu sia, spero che la vita ti stia sorridendo ✿

11:44pm 01-19-2024


Hello! I really enjoyed your site's layout, manifesto, and vibes. I specifically enjoyed your use of like digitizing (like editing it to have more pixelation? how did you even do this?!) photography on the home page.

i did want to respond to your ideas about sex work and pornography as someone who similarly thinks seriously and deeply about how we can enjoy, produce, and share media that has sexual themes and depiction. I think you critique porn and sex work's relationship to the patriarchy well, however, many activists think with the legalization of sex work there would be more regulations around it that would discourage and significantly lessen human trafficking and the other negative outcomes of current behind closed doors (they argue because it's illegal) sex work. This is an interesting argument and finds other friends when people discuss legalizing all illegal drugs (how it would reduce use because people would have greater access to care and drugs laced with life-ending substances like fentanyl would be regulated). I don't think it would solve the whole issue or anything but just wanted to share when I was reading. I also think you could address onlyfans/patreon work where men and women sex workers can take the means of production into their own hands and control their content and reap most of the profits (with a small cut from onlyfans).

Also, In part ii you describe how "porn was created because men hate women." While I completely agree there is a lot of misogynistic porn, as a gay man who likes BL (boys love a subgenre of manga) I felt your argument would be enriched by thinking about other kinds of porn that is drawn, non-heterosexual, non-Western, or historic examples of porn. I've found this to be really interesting in my studies, for instance, shunga in the Edo period japan or the whole world of BL which is straight Japanese drawing gay sex in manga for consuming straight Japanese women (mostly). I am not really disagreeing with your argument but I think there may be a bit more nuance.

Another thing, you describe how women watching porn is training them to enjoy sexual assault: women watching their own dehumanization is not the same as men watching women being dehumanized. The former is training to accept sexual abuse, the latter is training to excuse it. There is a really rich discussion of these topics in a lot of feminist literature. There are people who varying degrees agree with you, but there are others who see women finding pleasure for themselves and their communities in these videos that depict unequal power dynamics as a powerful form of resistance to the power dynamics of the video. There even is a whole field of study dedicated to porn: check out the book Porn Studies (2004) by Linda Williams (https://www-jstor-org.libdata.lib.ua.edu/stable/j.ctv1131ffn). My favorite book I've read thinking about Black women and their representation in porn is Sensual Excess: Queer Femininity and Brown Jouissance by Amber Jamilla Musser. Really thinks hard and long about liberation amidst the troubled (as you excellently describe) visual plane of race amidst the commodifying visual world of porn.

Hope you find some of this interesting. I again really appreciate your incites and website (also you taking pornography and its reception seriously.

Stay Pink,

Replied on: 12:41am 01-20-2024

Thank you so much for appreciating my site and article! I admit the latter wasn't written in the best way, and I've been thinking about rewriting it more carefully.
Something that I didn't point out in the text was that I am not against erotic content made for/by adults: depiction of sexual themes in media is not an issue by itself; I am purely against the porn industry, which produces exclusively misogynistic and exploitative content. Regardless of whether or not the business is "self made" or not, I do not want to live in a world where discriminated individuals (women, lgbt people) sexualize themselved to feel sexually liberated. It's one of the main issues I have with the modern view of sexuality: it's conflated with hyper-sexualization and male-oriented pleasure. in my opinion, true sexual liberation is achieved by escaping degrading practice, the male gaze, and prioritizing one own's pleasure. This is mostly tied to women being un/consciously pressured into pleasuring the (male) partner as a priority (subsequent orgasm gap, etc).

On legalization: countries that legalized sex work report the highest rates of human trafficking and sexual abuse among prostitutes, especially if they are immigrated women (see Germany and the Netherlands, only in Europe). I am a supporter of the Nordic model (where only the buyers and pimps are punished), but it has its practical flaws, unfortunately (I had an article about it but I lost it years ago and it's not in english). The only comparison I can make with drugs is the societal architecture needs to change first: less poverty, more access to shelters, work integration for disadvantaged families, etc. There needs to be a plan to reintegrate prostituted women and protect them; pure abolitionism will not work.

I have more to say about the previous matters but of course I may still miss a lot! I bookmarked the book you suggested me becuase I realized I mostly focused on female-male interactions. I wanted to read the article too, but I am blocked from viewing it. I will find a way.

Thank you again for your input and suggestions! Feel free to send me en e-mail if you want to talk more about this or share more interesting stuff on the matter. Sorry for the sort of half-assed response but it's late here.

PS: the technique is called "dithering" and I use this site to do it https://doodad.dev/dither-me-this/ ;; preset 6bit rgb.

9:08pm 01-19-2024


this site looks rly good - also thanks for the links section! found some useful stuff
Replied on: 12:42am 01-20-2024

you're welcome!! <3

6:10pm 01-02-2024


bruh i opened your site today and gasped... love the redesign
Replied on: 7:20pm 01-03-2024

vico!!! thank you so much (✿◡‿◡) you reminded me i have to add you in my links

8:29pm 11-26-2023


really cool site, love the layout. i also really enjoyed reading your essay, it's a topic that isn't talked about nearly enough
Replied on: 11:37pm 11-28-2023

thank you so much! (´・ω・`) the shift in the narrative is hard to achieve but it is happening slowly

1:01am 11-24-2023
I really enjoyed your "SWIW" and porn abolitionist essay! Thanks for sharing
Replied on: 11:33pm 11-28-2023

Thank You for reading it and appreciating it <3

1:43am 10-20-2023


Your website is so cool! I love the uniqueness of it. Hope you're having a good day! Do you like coffee?
Replied on: 10:36pm 10-25-2023

thank you! it's fine

10:49pm 10-11-2023


This is great, I love it, to you!
Replied on: 9:40pm 10-16-2023

thank you!

5:20am 08-21-2023


much love, italian webring represent!! <3
Replied on: 4:03pm 08-22-2023

<33 (。・∀・)ノ゙🇮🇹

7:01pm 08-17-2023


Hai buon gusto, senza dubbio
Replied on: 9:56pm 08-21-2023

grazie! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

1:19pm 08-15-2023


i like reading what you write!! i agree with or relate to a lot of your nuanced takes and i enjoy the style. the arts n crafts are cute too ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝ btw maidcore is epic
Replied on: 9:55pm 08-21-2023

thank you very much! maidcore for eternity

12:28pm 08-01-2023


damn your website is sick
Replied on: 2:03pm 08-01-2023

i'm glad you like it!! i love yours so much. thank you for adding my button <3

10:14am 07-18-2023


your site is so cool!! i love the aesthetic you've made. that beetle keychain is amazing btw!
Replied on: 3:03pm 07-19-2023

i'm so glad you like them! (/▽\) your art is really amazing and so is your site, i love reading about your art journey ( ̄︶ ̄)

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